Randy Anderson (ID# 61586)
Box 8274 BR 35B
Cranston, RI 02920
(401) 680-0134
If you are a lawyer, or are part of a law firm, you could consider taking this on and finding a way to get this back in the courts so that all the evidence can be presented.
This case in and of itself would not be a moneymaker, but the lawsuit against the state for withholding evidence and wrongful incarceration for this period of time would be very substantial and would prove well worth your time and effort. Aside from the fact that Randy has been wrongfully imprisoned for years and helping a man get justice is the right thing to do, we know you have bills to pay and need compensation. The subsequential lawsuit would be a means to that end.
If you are not a lawyer and do not work in that world, please consider making a donation in any amount through our Crowd Funding campaign, or by clicking the "Donate" button to the left under the phone number. These donations are safe and secure, and protected by PayPal. You can donate by credit or debit card by using that button even if you do not have a PayPal account. Funds generated by this campaign will be used to hire a lawyer if one does not step forward, or to compensate one that does.
We ask that everyone consider contacting the RI Supreme Court Chief Justice Paul Suttell and bring his attention to this case. Ask him in light of all the proof set forth in this website, and all the documented lies told on the stand by the Complainant, which had the jury been aware of, they would have delivered a very different verdict, why is this wrongly accused person still sitting in jail after more than 20 years.
You can reach Chief Justice Suttell with the information below:
Thank you!
If you haven't already, please take the time to read Randy's story and see what he has been up against in the Rhode Island legal system. You can read the full summary HERE
Posted on this website are documents including testimony, medical reports, trial transcripts, and more that will help you see for sure that this case was a miscarraige of justice. You can access them by clicking 'Documents' in the menu, or by clicking HERE